Page 35 - katalog_baagl_en_2023
P. 35

                          SAFETY FIRST                                           The well-designed, breathable and
                          Your child’s safety is of the utmost importance,       ergonomic back, in combination with the
                          and the new AIRY BAAGL backpack includes               AIRFLOW ERGO SYSTEM guarantee the
                          sufficient reflective elements to help ensure          lowest possible load stress for the child’s
                          the safety and visibility of the wearer in bad         back. The lightweight construction with
                          weather or low-light conditions.                       support points has allowed us to take the
                                                                                 load / weight ratio to a whole new level.
                          NEW MAGNETIC CLICK
                          BUCKLE                                                 DESIGNED WITH CHILDREN
                          Our new AIRY backpack uses an intuitive                The wide range of designs in this series of
                          system for easy opening and fastening. To              backpacks is a result of close cooperation
                          open the backpack, lightly squeeze the two             between Czech designers and elementary
                          points on the sides of the buckle. To close,           school children, whom are consulted about
                          simply place the two parts of the buckle               the designs and their feedback incorporated
                          together, and the innovative magnet system             into the final product.
                          will do the rest. It couldn’t be simpler or more
                          practical to use.
                                                                                 COMPACT DESIGN,
                          IMAGINATIVE DETAILS                                    AND ACCESSORIES
                          Clever details and accessories distinguish             The school backpack is designed to have
                          great school backpacks from the average                a compact silhouette, and above all,
                          ones - and you‘ll find plenty of them here in          be practical. It is possible to purchase
                          our school backpacks.                                  accessories, such as pencil cases, shoe bags,
                                                                                 and other products in matching theme to
                                                                                 compliment the school backpack.

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